Our second annual Alumni Night for Digital Photography was a smashing success! The Vanarts theatre was packed with to about 50 current and former students as well as some dedicated staff that wanted to see where our grads were at with their work. They were not disappointed. The crowd was treated to multiple slideshows from our award winning alumni, and there were many shared stories of magazine covers, assisting gigs and successful shoots.
Presenters included the following graduates (click their names to visit their websites): Asher Jones, Callum Dornan, Cameron Hunter, Jens Kristian Balle, Joshua Dool, Laura Zeke, Madhava Musterer, Natasha Vignal, Amanda Evans, Belle Ancell, Reem Abdel Jabbar, & Severin Samulski.

Even some of our bolder current students were inspired to show some of their own work after only a couple months in the program. Brave!
Thanks to junior students Jamie and Carling for your help with greeting and set-up! All in all, it was a very uplifting, inspirational night for former and current students. We’ll get together again in the summer for a more casual mixer and in one year we will hold our Alumni Night again. See you there!