Our Acting students final public performance project, PLUNGE – a play by Christopher Kyle, was the most successful production ever for the William Davis Centre for Actors’ Study at VanArts. Sold-out audiences filled the Havana Theatre on all three nights: November 4, 5 and 6, creating a record in revenue and accolades for the program.
Director Bruce Dawson had this to say about the success of the production: “This was a very challenging play to put on, being 90 minutes non-stop with about eight scene changes, and I was very impressed by how these actors did. It was evocative, moving and they did an incredible job.”
The poster for the play and these head shots of the actors were designed with the help of our Digital Photography student RaVin. (ravinart.com)
A big thanks to all who supported our students and participated in this very successful production!
Stay tuned for more news from the Acting Department and contact us today if you have any questions about studying with us.